Monday 20 February 2017


Hi all and welcome to my "new" blog!
I had this blog before and decided it was too messy and unorganised and I wasn't really feeling it, so now I am writing a better one that I think viewers will enjoy and I will enjoy writing.
Laura Rose?: My first name is Laura, my middle name is Rose. I prefer using Rose as my second name on social media rather than my actual second name, just for a little separation between my real life and online life.
Fashion?: I'm currently in my third year of university studying fashion business. It is a subject I am so passionate about, as cliche as it sounds. It makes me so happy to think of a design, put it on paper and turn it into a reality. I love impressing people with my designs and selling good quality, handmade fashion accessories to customers all round the world through my Etsy store. I want to post on my blog about my own garments I have made, and the garments I buy. I am a strong believer that fashion should never be disposable, so I love up-cyclying my clothes when I get bored of them, and when I grow out of them I pass them on to others.
Lifestyle?: Well other than my choices of clothing in my life I have other things I am passionate about. I love gaming, tattoos, piercings, traveling, cooking, music, playing guitar, baking and drawing, makeup, hair, nails, art in all forms. I have so many things in life that I enjoy and can't wait to share them with everyone on my blog.
Beauty?: I am not a beauty guru by any means, but my other big passion in life is makeup artistry. I love the way makeup products make me feel and how it can completely transform me as a person. I love good quality makeup and being able to treat myself to it on a special occassion. I will be making plenty of room in my blog to show off makeup and skincare products I think are worth the mention. I am not the best at applying it but I know that by conversing with the beauty community through the power of blogging I will be able to learn more and more.
I want blogging to turn into a whole new experience for me than I ever knew it to be before and hopefully this can be one of my new passions.
Thanks for letting me introduce myself to you all, and hope you enjoy my blog.
- Laura Rose. <3

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